Swedish for Beginners
This course in Swedish for Beginners is especially directed towards International manpower.
Do you have any foreign employees at your international company who would like to learn some Swedish in order to be able to cope in everyday situations at the coffee break, going to Maxi, ordering food at a restaurant or going to see the physician?
As they learn some Swedish the atmosphere at your work place will become friendlier. Furthermore, the leisure time for your foreign personnel will be facilitated so perhaps they will choose to stay, which could benefit you on the long run. Therefore, I really recommend that you offer this course to your foreign employees as a bonus.
The ones I have taught so far have been laughing a lot during the lessons wrestling with the strange Swedish sje- and tje- sounds but in the end when they actually can make themselves understood buying a blue shirt they become really happy and satisfied.
From now we also use the award-winning Adobe Connect, a web conference system which enables you to stay at your desk learning Swedish via VoIP. The only thing needed is a web cam and a microphone.
Few foreign workers have got the time to attend the Sfi-courses so my course serves as a complement to the courses offered by KomVux.
They Will Learn the Following:- Present themselves and their family.
- Numbers, phone numbers, personal numbers.
- Descriptions: Colours, Shapes, Looks, Clothes, Body Parts etc.
- At the Doctor´s: Describe illness and ache.
- Description of Personality and Characters. Idioms.
- Cultural differences: What to think about in Sweden.
- How you live in Sweden, look for an apartment; describe the interior design, furniture etc. How to read an advertisement atBlocket or an apartment advertisement in a newspaper.
- The Time, the Seasons, the Weather, Swedish Holidays and Traditions.
- Expressions for sympathy, questions, kindness, agreement, opinions, uncertainties, point of views, intentions.
- Questions: When? Where? How? Etc.
- Food, Coffee break = Fika.
- Hobbies.
- Work Description, Professions.
- Environment.
- Sweden compared to the native country, Advantages and Disadvantages.
- Lear how to express events taken place Today, Yesterday and Tomorrow.
Apart from this curriculum we use the magazine 8 SIDOR presenting news, local as well as international in a Swedish easy to read and understand. That way the participant can broaden his/her vocabulary quite easily. Further information is to be found at www.8sidor.se
If this sounds interesting or if you would like a course especially adapted
to your specific needs:
Please, don´t hesitate to contact us via our mail or call us at 070-7722441.
Price for the Web courses:
550 SEK VAT included per 60 minutes
350 SEK VAT included per 30 minutes
If you want us to come to your company please contact us directly.